Thanks to AgileTD community member Jumpei Ito, you can now watch selected keynotes and webinars with Japanese subtitles on YouTube. So far, Jumpei has translated Gojko Adzic's keynote "Five Key Challenges for Agile Testers tomorrow" and Janet Gregory and Lisa Crispin's keynote "Appendix A: What We've Learned Since Agile Testing" from the Agile Testing Days 2011 as well as the webinar "Quality Processes in an Agile Environment " (2020) again with Lisa and Janet.
Gojko Adzic is the author of the books Impact Mapping and Specification by Example. He was also the person who inspired the unicorn character of the Agile Testing Days. In his keynote, Gojko talks about the five key challenges he sees for agile testers in the future. Although the keynote was presented 10 years ago, some of its statements and assumptions are still valid today.
Jumpei has also written a blog post about Gojko's keynote – in Japanese of course:
Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory's keynote "Appendix A: What We've Learned Since Agile Testing" from 2011 addresses what they have learned after their Agile Testing book came out. As you know, Lisa and Janet wrote Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams in 2008. Fortunately, there were so many new learnings in 2011 that Janet and Lisa wrote More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team in 2014.
In the AgileTD webinar "Quality Processes in an Agile Environment", Lisa and Janet talk about how the whole team, including testers, can help to build quality into processes and products. They also address W. Edward Deming's key principles for business effectiveness and ways to exercise them in your agile workplace.
At the moment, Jumpei is working on Katrina Clokie's AgileTD 2018 keynote "A Practical Guide to Testing in DevOps". Once the keynote is available with Japanese subtitles, we will let you know.
Find out more about the speakers and translator:
Gojko Adzic – keynote speaker:
Janet Gregory – keynote speaker:
Lisa Crispin – keynote speaker:
Jumpei Ito – translator: