Dressing up at the MIAPP Award Party is a tradition at the Agile Testing Days. Every year on Tuesday evening our attendees, speakers, sponsors, and we ourselves dress up for this special theme night. Many people get costumes, dress according to the theme, and have a lot of fun together. A lot of the other participants, who are at the Agile Testing Days for the very first time, get confused when they see us, but it builds a great community among all participating.
Numerous attendees followed the call of this year’s Agile Testing Days party theme and dressed in costumes of the 1950s. They surely had a bash at the nifty MIATPP party. Among the many great dress-ups, it was difficult to choose the coolest cat out there. The best costumes have now been selected and can look forward to free tickets for the Agile Testing Days 2022. The 1st prize is a 3-day conference ticket, the 2nd prize includes a 2-day ticket and the 3rd prize is a 1-day conference ticket.
Here are this year's winners of the MIATPP Award costume contest:
Congratulations to the First Prize winner of the 2021 MIATPP Award Costume Contest, Sophie Küster, for her bomb 50s diner girl costume including a burger and two milkshakes. We only missed her shouting after taking a hamburger order: "Hey Billy, burn one, take it through the garden, and pin a rose on it".*
The 2nd place goes to Bart Knaack & Huib Schoots for their (t)winning dress-up as some nerdy school geeks.
The 3rd place goes to Klaartje Zwoll & Sebastiaan Vreedenburgh as Danny Zuko and Sandy Olsson from the iconic smash hit movie Grease. Their impersonations of John Travolta and Oliver Newton-John were on point. And as Vince Fontain would say: "It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's what you do with your dancin' shoes."
An honorary price goes to Anne Colder for her self-made "Queen of Code" robe with cape, crown, and hairclip for #BallgownBreakfast at AgileTD 2021. Anne wins also a 1-day ticket for the Agile Testing Days next November. Very well deserved!

We hope you will keep thinking of great ideas for next year’s contest once we have decided on a party theme. We can’t wait to see what you will come up with. We’d like to give a nod to all those whose costumes were particularly clever and well-built.
Here is a collection of these incredible costumes:

*In the wacky world of diner lingo, “burn one” refers to dropping the burger in the grill, and “taking it through the garden” means topping it with lettuce and tomato. Your burger is then finished with the most fragrant of roses: the onion.